Thursday, 26 March 2015

College/Community Radio - Time to Change?

Blockbuster Video survived the change from VHS to DVD, but when the preferred method to view movies switch from renting DVDs to accessing movies online or through on-demand options, they decided to stick to their guns and continue renting DVDs. That didn’t work out to well for them. Lots of companies and even industries have felt the impact of not changing. Kodac, Blackberry, Nokia, the list goes on. In the communication industry they’re seeing a change in phone preference. Landlines are become a thing of the past as people start solely using their smart phones.
The music industry has always struggled with change. Some of the most impactful changes, the adaptation of the CD, the launching of a channel that showed music videos 24/7, were all initially met with very strong resistance from the music industry. When the industry has begrudgingly aligned with a change, it’s usually after a significant impact on sales or a major switch in end user usage.
Similar to how Blockbuster was impacted by advances in digital options, the music industry has also had its own struggles with adapting, adopting and adjusting away from the traditional way of distributing music. This isn’t just in the physical CD versus downloading department. Music delivery to radio and other outlets has also changed. Radio stations used to receive a countless number of packages on a daily basis filled with CDs, bios, press clipping and classic glossy 8X10s of the artists all vying for consideration for airplay. Now all that stuff can be delivered digitally to stations all around the world with a simple push of a button. Commercial radio has accepted this change with open arms. No more crates of CDs they will never play ending up in the dumpster, no more needing to find space to store the CDs they are playing. But not everyone has moved into the digital delivery era. 
A radio format that has refused to adopt a digital delivery model is College/Community radio. College/Community radio programmers still prefer that artists and labels send them physical copies of the CDs they want considered for airplay. Some stations going as far as posting on their webpage “We do not accept digital versions of your music!” As always, there are some exceptions to this ‘rule’ but for a grand majority of the stations. Physical CDs are still what they want you to submit.
This is something that needs to change.
From the artists/labels perspective the cost of sending out CDs has gotten expensive. Gone are the days of order massive print runs of CDs and most manufactures/duplication companies have removed minimum order requirements and replaced them with a tiered pricing strategy where the price to print increases the view CDs you order. There is next to no cost with a digital copy. Many artists have even started only making their music available digitally. Aside from printing physical copies, other costs have increased for the artists and labels. Canada Post is in the process of revamping their service and included in that are steadily increasing rates. Sending CDs through Canada Post has had other impacts as well. Delivery times seem to have lengthened. What used to take a couple days, now seems to take a couple weeks, if the package gets delivered at all. We’ve sent out 3 releases by three different artists since the beginning of 2015 and to date none of the college or community stations we sent them to have received them. All three packages where sent out on different dates. Sure in the past there have been the occational station that haven’t gotten the packages, but all of them???  For 3 separate releases sent out on different dates!?!?! Sure we could track the packages or courier them to the stations, but those services are extra fees and for the independent artists, which college/community radio are typically very supportive of, don’t make enough money to pay for extra things like that.
For College/Community radio not changing can also have an impact. These stations pride themselves in being different. Their listeners tune in because it’s not the same over played ‘hits’ that you often get inundated with listening to Commercial radio. A lot of this ‘different’ music comes from independent artists or smaller labels operating on very limited budgets. With costs rising to deliver their music and the growing lack of a guarantee of delivery (thanks Canada Post), these artists and labels will start to look for other more cost effective avenues to showcase their music.
Another area in which not changing could have an impact on College/Community radio is simply space. Stations can get up to 40-50 CDs a week. Not all of these CDs will get selected to be included in their library, but those that do you still need the space to store them. Have you ever seen what a music library looks like at the typical College/Community radio station? 

In some situations, the majority of the space being occupied by the station is being used by the music library. Most of these libraries are epic, with 1000s of CDs, LPs, Cassettes and you may even find some 8-Tracks and recordings done on old real-to-real. Most of these stations have a lot of pride in the depth and size of their music library, but the reality is as new music is released, the library will grow bigger and bigger which will lead to a need for more space. More space costs money and for a radio format that relies on community funding, increased costs isn’t always something that can be managed.
Now in the College/Community radio station’s defense, even if they were to start accepting digital versions of music they would still need to store it. Sure a server with the capacity to store that much music won’t take up that much space in their office compared to the ‘music library’, but the cost to upgrade their current system to link into the server they would need to store the library would probably come with a hefty price tag. What if the server crashes? What if there’s a corrupted file or a virus? Digital isn’t 100% secure as a format.
Over the past couple of months while trying to see if the stations we sent these releases to actually received them, so stations have suggested sending them a link to where they can access the music from, but this has also been followed with a disclaimer that digitally submitted music doesn't get as much airplay because they have to pull it off their server quicker to make room for other new music. Other stations have shared that they are trying to get set up to receive music digitally, but I think if it's going to be something sustainable we need to get all of the college/community radio stations to be open to digital deliveries. 
Now along with trying to be fair and share both sides good and bad of changing and not changing, I am also willing to admit that I could be completely off my rocker. There may be more reasoning behind requesting only physical copies be submitted. I'd love to hear from some of my other music industry friends on what they think of this rant. Do we need to make this change? Am I missing something or am I even hitting the nail right on the head? 

Eight Days A Week - March 26th 2015

Every week I will add 8 new songs to this playlist which I have heard for the first time during the week. These songs can be from any genre and era. My goal is to hear at least one new song a day and then give everyone else an opportunity to hear them!

*Please note: I started compiling these lists weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to sharing them, so some of the songs may not seem as 'new' as they did to me a couple weeks ago...will be posting more regularly to try and catch up. 

Eight Days A Week - March 26th 2015

In Flames "Paralyzed"
Of Mice And Men "Broken Generation"
Father John Misty "Heart Shaped Box"*
Nothing But Thieves "Ban All The Music"
Marmozets "Move, Shake, Hide"
Motorsister "Fork In The Road"
Nothing More "Jenny"
While She Sleeps "Trophies Of Violence"
*This track was not available on Rdio, so it was replaced with...
Gus G "Long Way Down"

You can listen to Eight Days A Week via the following options:
or right here through Mixcloud:

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Eight Days A Week

Every week I will add 8 new songs to this playlist which I have heard for the first time during the week. These songs can be from any genre and era. My goal is to hear at least one new song a day and then give everyone else an opportunity to hear them!

*Please note: I started compiling these lists weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to sharing them, so some of the songs may not seem as 'new' as they did to me a couple weeks ago...will be posting more regularly to try and catch up. 

Eight Days A Week - March 15th 2015

All That Remains "This Probably Won't End Well"
Demon Hunter "The Last One Alive"
Europe "War Of Kings"
Crown The Empire "Machines"
RiotV "Ride Hard Live Free"
Electric Boys "If Only She Was Lonely"*
The Temperance Movement "Take It Back"
Blackberry Smoke "Rock N' Roll Again"
*This track was not available on Rdio, so it was replaced with...
Lynch Mob "Believers Of The Day"

You can listen to Eight Days A Week via the following options:
or right here through Mixcloud:

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Why I'm Starting To Like Michael Bolton

I can honestly admit that I am starting to really like Michael Bolton...more so for his recent work than the stuff he's actually known's some examples...

Lyrical Story Telling

There was a time when the only way you would hear what was happening in other parts of the world was through the songs sung by traveling minstrels. It was through the minstrel’s musical tales that the legends of iconic characters like Robin Hood, William Wallace and King Arthur grew. It was also these same songs that blurred the lines between historical facts and exaggerate fiction.
Over the years music continued to introduce us to new characters. In later years, these characters tended to be more fictional, but through the mass popularity of some of these songs their names became just as well known as the artists singing about them.
For example, we learnt that Billie Jean is not my girl, and heard a little ditty about Jack and Diane. Ricky was a young boy and rat-tailed jimmy was a second hand hood. We didn’t have to worry about Cecilia breaking our heart, because we later learnt that it was really Stacy’s mom that has got it going on. Mary Anne and Wanda were the best of friends who decided that Earl had to die.We know Tommy used to work on the docks and Gina works the diner all day. Years later Bon Jovi actually brought these characters back, mentioning them in their song “It’s My Life” and I remember when I heard the line ”For Tommy and Gina who never backed down” it was like getting an update on long lost friends.  
You may have noticed, these are all older songs. Do we still see this kind of song writing in today’s music? Is this something that is maybe missing? I don’t want to come across as that old crotchety guy screaming “Today’s kids don’t know how to write music! Back in my day musicians wrote songs that told stories!” I’m asking a legit question. Are we missing this kind of song writing? Has this style been lost? Does today’s music miss that tangible piece that draws us in? The lines and lyrics that captivate our attention and engage us to hear what will happen next? These qualities helped to make a song memorable. In fact, chances are when you read the majority of the lyrics I included in this blog, the song popped into your head. Some possibly even as soon as you heard the main character's name.
Now, I am also willing to fully admit that I could be wrong and if you are aware of any modern songs, more specifically popular modern songs that are chart toppers like the ones that were referenced in this blog, that introduce us to someone and tell us an intriguing story about them, please let me know. I would honestly like to know. As well if you can think of any other older songs that I may not have included in this blog, feel free to share.
As a special are the videos for some of the songs I was referring too...

Monday, 2 March 2015

Eight Days A Week

A while back I posted a blog about how I think creating and sharing playlists on streaming sites like Spotify, Rdio, etc could potentially be the new “mixed-tape”. (CLICK HERE to read that blog) 

In that same blog I hinted/suggested I was toying with the idea of creating my own regular playlist to share with others. Since then I’ve asked a series of questions to see which streaming sites people use and if they follow any specific playlists to get a sense of where I should make my playlist available for others.

I’m excited to share with you my first playlist called Eight Days A Week.

Here’s the basic premise of what this playlist will be about and include.

Once a week I will be sharing a playlist made up of 8 tracks. These tracks were all new to me during the week. I will not discriminate when it comes to genres (although the majority will probably be rock, hard rock and metal)

I love hearing new music and earlier this year, I challenged myself to try and hear at least one new song a day. To make it slightly more challenging, I added the stipulation that I can’t seek out new music, I had to come across the new song randomly.  Listening to streaming sites, satellite radio, playlists I follow and other option waiting for a new song to come up in the mix.

Along with my love of hearing new music, I'm also very passionate about introducing others to new music and what better way to do that than by creating my own mix-tape/playlist. 

Knowing that not all people access music in the same way, I've made the Eight Days A Week playlist available through three different options. Mixcloud, Spotify and Rdio. Feel free to follow my playlist through these options so when the list gets refreshed every week, you won't miss any of the new tracks! 

***Side note...because I've actually been thinking of doing this for a while, I've technically already put together 2 weeks worth of new music and have another 3-5 weeks of new music to put together to catch up to this week. So the first couple playlists will be published fairly quickly, slowing down to one a week once I'm caught up to the current week of new music. Also, some songs may not see 'new' as I heard them for the first time weeks ago and other sources may have started playing them. 

Anyways...enough of that...lets get right down to the music. 

Eight Days A Week - Episode 1

CLICK HERE to listen on RDIO 

Eight Days A Week - Episode 2

CLICK HERE to listen on RDIO 

Let me know what you think of the playlists, the concept, the tracks and if there is anywhere you'd recommend I go to hear new music, let me know! (Also feel free to share this with others)