Thursday 12 June 2014

Think like Oreo

I read an interesting thing about Oreo that I thought was worth sharing...

We all do things that we think are a waste of time or are insignificant. Something that may perceived as having little value that is often ignored, pushed to the side or even thrown away.

Somewhere along the line, someone working in an Oreo cookie factory looked at the crumbs they were sweeping up and throwing away and thought, “we could sell this”. And just like that, trash turned into treasure. Trash that people will gladly pay for and sprinkle on top of their ice cream. A 400gram box of Oreo Crumbs costs $3.77 at Wal-Mart, which may not seem like much, but it's more than they were getting when there were simply throwing the crumbs away. 

So now the 'big question'...what is everyone in your industry throwing away? What do people see little or not value in? How can you approach it from a new angle and turn it into something that is having an impact on your business, career and/or revenue stream? 

Think like Oreo

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