I'm a big Motley Crue fan. They're one of the main reason I work in the music industry, one of the main reason I wanted to be a rock star.
Over the years I've not only bought every album they've released, but I've also bought all their solo and side projects and being the completist that I am, this week when Nashville Outlaws: A Tribute To Motley Crue was released, I went down to the HMV and bought it.
I'll admit, it was a somewhat reluctant purchase. I purposely didn't listen to it online, worried that it might taint my buying decision or sway me to not pick it up at all and I honest put the CD in the player in my car, completely expecting to hate it.
Much to my surprise, I didn't.
Yes, there were some tracks that were exactly what I expected. Really bad country versions of Crue songs, a couple of which I really had to listen to, to try and figure out what the original song was...like Aaron Lewis's version of "Afraid". The biggest disappointment being The Mavericks version of "Dr. Feelgood", the one track I actually was hoping would have a really cool transition to country. Not sure what The Mavericks were thinking when they decided to put the stamp they did on "Dr. Feelgood".
But aside from the tracks that met my low expectations, there were some big stand out tracks that I not only enjoyed, but actually got excited about. Musically, "Kick Start My Heart", "If I Die Tomorrow", "Girls, Girls, Girls" and "Wildside" were respectful to the original rock anthem roots and if it wasn't for a banjo or fiddle in a couple of them, you may have assumed it was a rock band covering the track.
If you would've told me that Lzzy Hale from the metal band Halestorm sang the lead on "Wildside" I would've believed you...but it wasn't Lzzy. It was Gretchen Wilson belting out the track.
The biggest surprise for me was "Live Wire" The reworked lead guitar riff The Cadillac Three used was a great take on one of my favourite Crue tunes. I liked their version so much, I actually found myself wondering what a rock band would sound like doing a rock version of The Cadillac Three's version of "Live Wire"
In the end, as I mentioned I have always been a huge Motley Crue fan...but that being said, probably one of the things I enjoyed most about Nashville Outlaws: A Tribute To Motley Crue was being able to understand all of the lyrics. Sorry Vince.
Friday, 22 August 2014
Thursday, 21 August 2014
2014 Predictions UPDATE...no one is perfect...
Okay...I can admit when I'm wrong about something.
Earlier this year, I shared my music predictions for 2014 and I promised to try and provide updates on the predictions as they came to fruition or seemed to be obviously not going to happen.
One of those predictions was that Nickelback (or at least Chad Kroger) would go country. The evidence is there, from having worked with Mutt (Shania Twain) Lange to the Nickelback 'mini-mes', Dallas Smith from Default and Theory Of A Deadman jumping on the country wagon.
This past week, Nickelback released their new single "Edge Of A Revolution" and much to my surprise it was the typical formulated Nickelback rock song. Not country.
So far just the single has been released, so we don't know that the rest of the album will be rock. Based on the first single from the album, there's probably a fair slim chance they will try releasing a country song on this album...if they do there will only be 1 or 2 country track.
I still think this can and will happen...Chad's going country. Shine up the boots and just accept it.
Earlier this year, I shared my music predictions for 2014 and I promised to try and provide updates on the predictions as they came to fruition or seemed to be obviously not going to happen.
One of those predictions was that Nickelback (or at least Chad Kroger) would go country. The evidence is there, from having worked with Mutt (Shania Twain) Lange to the Nickelback 'mini-mes', Dallas Smith from Default and Theory Of A Deadman jumping on the country wagon.
This past week, Nickelback released their new single "Edge Of A Revolution" and much to my surprise it was the typical formulated Nickelback rock song. Not country.
So far just the single has been released, so we don't know that the rest of the album will be rock. Based on the first single from the album, there's probably a fair slim chance they will try releasing a country song on this album...if they do there will only be 1 or 2 country track.
I still think this can and will happen...Chad's going country. Shine up the boots and just accept it.
Shared a video with Alan Cross
I'm proud to take credit for sharing this video with Alan Cross today...but you'll have to go to Alan's page if you want to see The Worst Video Ever...
Here's the link
Here's the link
20 Skills You Won't Believe You Can Endorse People for on LinkedIn
If you have a profile on LinkedIn you have probably experience that somewhat perplexing moment when someone has endorsed you for a skill that you don't really see as big deal. As an example, a family member once endorsed me for "Facebook"
I recently learnt why some of the endorsements may seem weird or maybe even vague. It's because LinkedIn doesn't make up your own silly endorsements. You can only endorse people using their list of options. This list has expanded over the years as LinkedIn has become more popular, but because they limit what can be endorsed, it may be hard to find the right thing to endorse someone with who has a more unique role.
Luckily, they've got some pretty basic ones in the mix. Some of which I was somewhat shocked to see. Below is the list posted by Corey Eridon on his Hubspot blog along with some of his comments. (CLICK HERE to see Corey's blog on this topic)
20 LinkedIn Endorsements You Probably Didn't Know About
1) Counting
I, for example, have proven ability to count to at least twenty.
2) Spring Cleaning
A useful recommendation for employees of residential cleaning companies, but way more fun when used as a tool of passive aggressive communication between significant others.
3) Fire Eating
Does eating a lot of Sriracha count? If so, you can definitely endorse me for this one.
4) Punching
Proof positive LinkedIn isn't just for office workers anymore.
5) Small Talk
Probably also endorsed for "weather" and "how bout them [Insert Sports Team]."
6) Order Taking
I wonder if coordinating an office lunch delivery counts ...
7) Javelin
I've actually used this one. I endorsed my friend for this one after she randomly mentioned that her "old javelin injury" was acting up.
8) Eating
For professional eaters, I guess? Sounds like a good gig.
9) Snacks
For the professional eater's day off.
10) Chewing Gum
Another endorsement full of passive aggressive communication potential.
11) Halloween
If you're endorsed for this, I'd like to be your friend.
12) Memes
Appropriate for basically every millennial.
13) Drinking Water
I first read this as endorsing someone for their ability to drink water really, really well. Because of our work with charity: water, though, I realized LinkedIn endorsements can cover subject-matter expertise, too. Pretty cool.
14) Moving Up
I took this to mean someone who's good at moving up within an organization. I guess that could be something to brag about?
15) Chilled Water
For what it's worth, you can also endorse for "hot water."
16) Flexible Approach to Work
Not something I'd choose to highlight on my own resume.
17) Tween
In a cruel twist, LinkedIn doesn't provide an endorsement for "Belieber."
18) Smoothies
It's an art form, really.
19) Showers
Hold on, just dialing HR ...
20) Breathing
Probably great for ear, nose & throat doctors -- not so great for me during a run.
Alright, which friend are you going to mess with on LinkedIn? And if I missed any other funny ones, share them in the comments, please!
Friday, 15 August 2014
Power 97 bans KISS
Growing up KISS was one of my favourite bands and I actually used to admire Gene Simmons for his, what seemed like marketing expertise. Over the past couple years my admiration has not only faded but has been on an extreme decline. His comments on those dealing with mental illness and depression where the final straw...props to Power 97 for stepping out and officially banning Gene and KISS from the airwaves.
Friday, 8 August 2014
Another way of looking at Calgary's AMP FM's new 'format"
When discussing the recent adaptation of cutting Top 40 songs in half as a new format for Calgary’s AMP Radio, VP Of Programming for Newcap Radio, Steve Jones said “As we look to people’s changing habits and changing attention spans and watch people on their iPod listening to half a song and forwarding on to the next one we sort of came to the conclusion that maybe it was time to rethink why songs are the way they were.”
Research shows that the majority of younger listeners (the target audience for Top 40) are most likely to change radio stations during a commercial, rather than a song. Older listeners being accustom to commercials will tolerate them longer than young listeners.
Another study showed that listeners no longer jump from one stations to the next. On average they have two stations they listen to and are more likely to turn off the radio during commercials rather than jump to a different station.
If we compare the facts found in the research to Steve Jones’s quote about people’s changing habits, would logic not dictate that if you are going to cut you songs in half should you also cut your commercials in half too? Based on the above logic, a radio station could probably even justify charging the same rates for the cut in half spots as a full spot. Listeners are more likely to hear the ad if it’s shorter.
If you are not aware of what I'm talking about...here's a link to the article from The Calgary Herald.
As an additional side note, Jann Arden has been fairly vocal since this article has been released speaking out against this station's move. I had a feeling some artists would speak out against this. I'm curious to see who else might speak out against it.
Saturday, 2 August 2014
2014 Predictions UPDATE...someone going country???
One of the music predictions I made for 2014 was that Nickelback or at least Chad Kroeger would go country. This prediction has not come to fruition yet, but we are getting closer.
Soon after Nickelback became an over played worldwide radio sensation we saw a wave of “Nickelback” like bands. Default. Theory Of A Dead Man. Those two specifically Chad worked directly with and helped get them some exposure by either assisting with some song writing or bringing them out on tour with them. The ties to these bands were so strong, we soon heard people referring to them as Theory Of A Nickelback, Theory A Chad Man or even the Default Theory Of Nickelback.
Dallas Smith from Default was the first from this group to make the jump to country, recently nominated for a couple Canadian Country Music Awards. He's now been followed down that country road. This past week Theory Of A Deadman released their latest CD "Savages" and not only does the album feature a guest appearance by Joe Don Rooney from Rascal Flatts, but the track he’s on is a full fledged Country song. Don’t believe me? Check it out.
Could this be Theory Of A Deadman testing the waters? And what is Chad thinking now that all of his ‘mini-me’ bands are going country? It may not happen in 2014 but Nickelback or at least Chad going country is going to happen.
(Note: I feel it is important to say that not one word of this blog was intended as a slam or stab at Nickelback, Default, Dallas Smith or Theory Of A Deadman. I don't think any of these artists suck or produce bad music. The reason why I know Dallas Smith and Theory Of A Deadman are doing the country thing is because I’ve bought their latest CDs and can actually admit to liking them…yes, even the country stuff)
Original 2014 Prediction below
Soon after Nickelback became an over played worldwide radio sensation we saw a wave of “Nickelback” like bands. Default. Theory Of A Dead Man. Those two specifically Chad worked directly with and helped get them some exposure by either assisting with some song writing or bringing them out on tour with them. The ties to these bands were so strong, we soon heard people referring to them as Theory Of A Nickelback, Theory A Chad Man or even the Default Theory Of Nickelback.
Dallas Smith from Default was the first from this group to make the jump to country, recently nominated for a couple Canadian Country Music Awards. He's now been followed down that country road. This past week Theory Of A Deadman released their latest CD "Savages" and not only does the album feature a guest appearance by Joe Don Rooney from Rascal Flatts, but the track he’s on is a full fledged Country song. Don’t believe me? Check it out.
Could this be Theory Of A Deadman testing the waters? And what is Chad thinking now that all of his ‘mini-me’ bands are going country? It may not happen in 2014 but Nickelback or at least Chad going country is going to happen.
(Note: I feel it is important to say that not one word of this blog was intended as a slam or stab at Nickelback, Default, Dallas Smith or Theory Of A Deadman. I don't think any of these artists suck or produce bad music. The reason why I know Dallas Smith and Theory Of A Deadman are doing the country thing is because I’ve bought their latest CDs and can actually admit to liking them…yes, even the country stuff)
Original 2014 Prediction below
Chad Kroger and/or Nickelback Will Go Country – I’ve been predicting this one for a while now and I think if we see anything come out from Nickelback or Chad Kroger in 2014 it will be leaning a lot more towards the Country genre. In fact, I’m willing to BET
that if Chad releases a solo album it will for sure be a country album. Chad knows that the natural progression for a large portion of his audience is to start gravitating towards country music. He’s already been testing the water, having worked with Mutt Lange and even covering some Country staples during Nickelback’s life shows. Dallas Smith from Default has successfully made the jump, Darius Rucker from Hootie & The Blow Fish, even Dave Grohl produced Zack Brown’s new album and even played drums with him at the Country Music Awards. The door is open Chad, put on your cowboy boots, grabbed a hat and embrace your country Alberta roots.
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