Tuesday 21 October 2014

The next ROCKSTAR 101 workshop...

Just wanted to share some details on the next ROCKSTAR 101 workshop with everyone...

On Thursday Nov 6th, Oddball Productions presents:
ROCKSTAR 101 “I’ve recorded my music…now what?”
ROCKSTAR 101 is a series of workshops aimed at helping musicians build a better understanding of the business side of the music industry.
I’ve Recorded A CD…Now What?” covers a variety of topics that should be addressed when an artist releases their music. In the workshop we walk through a variety of topics, points and steps that are all part of the process that are often over looked or most people don’t know anything about.
What’s an ISRC code and why do I need it?
Who should I be sending my music too?
Do I need to do a CD Release party?
The workshop covers some dos and don’ts as well as debunk some myths about releasing your music.
The workshop starts at 7:00 is approximately 2 hours long. Cost is $50 per individual, $100 for a band (2-4 people)

If you’re interested in attending or would like more information on this or any of the other ROCKSTAR 101 workshops contact danny@oddballproductions.ca

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