Wednesday 1 July 2015

Yes...Phil Collins was a rockstar!

For the past couple of years I've heard the following uttered multiple times. "There no real rockstars anymore" To which I regular respond "There never was!" and I now have proof!

Both Eric Alper and Alan Cross posted this earlier this week, which indicates that Phil Collins...YES, PHIL COLLINS dominated the 1980s. Phil Collins, who has looked like somebodies dad for pretty much his entire career was one of the biggest 'rockstars' to come out of the 80s. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he was the first artist to tell his kids to go to bed 'now that Daddy has won a grammy" And acceptance speech that has been mocked over and over to this day. 

You can't argue with stats though...sure he looked like your buddies dad or that school teach who was trying just way too hard to inspire you...but when you look at the stats...Phil Collins was a rockstar! 

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