Thursday 21 August 2014

20 Skills You Won't Believe You Can Endorse People for on LinkedIn

If you have a profile on LinkedIn you have probably experience that somewhat perplexing moment when someone has endorsed you for a skill that you don't really see as big deal. As an example, a family member once endorsed me for "Facebook"

I recently learnt why some of the endorsements may seem weird or maybe even vague. It's because LinkedIn doesn't make up your own silly endorsements. You can only endorse people using their list of options. This list has expanded over the years as LinkedIn has become more popular, but because they limit what can be endorsed, it may be hard to find the right thing to endorse someone with who has a more unique role. 

Luckily, they've got some pretty basic ones in the mix. Some of which I was somewhat shocked to see. Below is the list posted by Corey Eridon on his Hubspot blog along with some of his comments. (CLICK HERE to see Corey's blog on this topic)

20 LinkedIn Endorsements You Probably Didn't Know About
1) Counting
I, for example, have proven ability to count to at least twenty.
2) Spring Cleaning
A useful recommendation for employees of residential cleaning companies, but way more fun when used as a tool of passive aggressive communication between significant others.
3) Fire Eating
Does eating a lot of Sriracha count? If so, you can definitely endorse me for this one.
4) Punching
Proof positive LinkedIn isn't just for office workers anymore.
5) Small Talk
Probably also endorsed for "weather" and "how bout them [Insert Sports Team]."
6) Order Taking
I wonder if coordinating an office lunch delivery counts ...
7) Javelin
I've actually used this one. I endorsed my friend for this one after she randomly mentioned that her "old javelin injury" was acting up.
8) Eating
For professional eaters, I guess? Sounds like a good gig.
9) Snacks
For the professional eater's day off.
10) Chewing Gum
Another endorsement full of passive aggressive communication potential.
11) Halloween
If you're endorsed for this, I'd like to be your friend.
12) Memes
Appropriate for basically every millennial.
13) Drinking Water
I first read this as endorsing someone for their ability to drink water really, really well. Because of our work with charity: water, though, I realized LinkedIn endorsements can cover subject-matter expertise, too. Pretty cool.
14) Moving Up
I took this to mean someone who's good at moving up within an organization. I guess that could be something to brag about?
15) Chilled Water
For what it's worth, you can also endorse for "hot water."
16) Flexible Approach to Work
Not something I'd choose to highlight on my own resume.
17) Tween
In a cruel twist, LinkedIn doesn't provide an endorsement for "Belieber."
18) Smoothies
It's an art form, really.
19) Showers
Hold on, just dialing HR ...
20) Breathing
Probably great for ear, nose & throat doctors -- not so great for me during a run.
Alright, which friend are you going to mess with on LinkedIn? And if I missed any other funny ones, share them in the comments, please!

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